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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oy Vey! Vegan Latkes

If you are scratching your heads wondering why I'm already making latkes, don't be alarmed. I realize that it is technically not chanukah just yet. But Since I technically be getting on a plane in two days and returning to Washington D.C., my family decided to have our chanukah party early.

So my mom and I had a little latke cook-off with her making the regular ones and me making the recipe for vegan Latkes from Veganomicon. What makes a latke not vegan you say? Eggs. So mine use potato starch and matzo meal as the binding ingredients. The recipe calls for 2.5 lbs of potatoes, but I didn't exactly measure. My mom and I used a 10 lb bag of potatoes and just split it. At first the batter was too stiff so I just added more potatoes until the consistency looked like the latke batter I'm used to. It should be thick but liquidy. If that makes absolutely no sense, check out this wonderful demonstration by Feed Me Bubbe:

To make the latkes you will need (approximately)
2.5 lbs grated potatoes
1 yellow onion, grated
2 cups matzo meal
1/4 cup potato starch
salt and pepper
oil for frying, of course

I usually triple the amount of salt that the recipe calls for because I find the recipes in Veganomicon to be slighly under seasoned.

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